Opt For A New Way To Trade Opt-in for OptFunds!

Daily stock and options notifications to immediately power your same day gains strategy!

Opt For A New Way To Trade Opt-in for OptFunds!

Daily stock and options notifications to power your same day gains!

Instantly Power Your Trade Intelligence

Receive notifications right on your phone!

Every day the stock market is open, via OptFunds proprietary algorithmic driven data engine, you will receive timely notifications (texts), which helps guide your day trading strategies related to your favorite high volume stocks, ETF’s and options!  In addition, you will also receive our exclusive "Demo" notifications related to OptFunds chosen securities (e.g. ETF's, stocks or options).

This powerful combination is focused on one thing—adding value to see if we can improve your same-day-gains!—and depending on your current success, we may be able to help increase your gains…significantly!!

What are Demo notifications?

OptFunds chooses very popular, highly traded ETF's, stocks or options (e.g. Apple, SPY, Tesla, QQQ etc.)  where you can receive notifications (texts) and see the potential gains power of OptFunds.  You can of course trade or simply witness live results.

OptFunds Demo notifications will show you the power of OptFunds in real time!

  • Leverage to factor additional trades into your day trade strategy
  • Simply observe to see how successful OptFunds algorithms are!

Your favorite stocks & options!

Because we are not in the business to tell you what to trade, the main service of OptFunds is to provide you our unique data that powers your trade timing on securities YOU love!

Too that, at any time you can:

  • To start, send us one or two of your favorite high volume stocks, ETF’s or options
  • At NO COST to you, we will apply our algorithms and if we see success you will then receive texts powered by OptFunds algorithms to help power your same day gains strategies on your favorite securities!

With OptFunds, just use your favorite online broker and trade OptFunds Demo securities or trade your favorite securities powered by OptFunds!



Man looking at his mobile phone

No credit card or payment information to join!

Immediate ability to power same-day-gains strategies!

We don't promote any stocks...

...so no pump-and-dumps

No BS!

By simply joining, you can leverage OptFunds alerts technology to help power your same-day-gains strategies on your favorite high volume stocks, options and ETF's!

The OptFunds Engine

Proprietary Algorithms
They are smart! Smart enough to provide multiple text notifications per day! Better news? We make them smarter by constantly applying daily market data!

Instant Results

The OptFunds notifications system is designed to provide powerful information that you can use to inform your same day trading strategies. Easy-to-read texts provide instant insights that allow you to trade more confidently, despite the demands of your day!

Beginner? Perfect!

OptFunds notifications makes it super easy to navigate the market. Want personal assistance? Take advantage of our U.S.-based, seven-day-a-week success chat team to power your success with even greater insights and confidence!

OptFunds is NOT a stock picking or stock alert service nor do we recommend stocks or issue any investment advice.

OptFunds provides certain market data based on our proprietary alogorithms which also powers the timing of notifications.

Based on certain market movement, OptFunds instantly notifys users via text when they should  leverge this data to help power their same-day-gains strategies.

You do not need a credit card or any payment information to join or to start receiving  notifications.